Monday, February 16, 2009

Better Fish Tank Pictures

I got out Max’s expensive camera and took a few awesome pictures of my fish tank.  I think sometime soon I might invest in a really nice camera, not like a cannon rebel like max, (I don't want to spend 1300) but maybe something a little cheaper.  Time to start saving!  Enjoy some pictures, I’ve recently added lots of plants and new fish to my tank!  It’s more of the crowded jungle feel that I’ve wanted.  Most plants are fake, but there are are several bamboo/other live plants mixed in there.  Check out the driftwood inside there too, I love that stuff, you can buy it with live plants in the wood, it really makes the tank look awesome.

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Unknown said...


PL said...

Heh, the little reflection thing that blogger did with those thumbnails is pretty awesome.

Nick said...

It wasn't blogger, it was the Window Live Updater I'm using, it has a bunch of picture options, I liked that one haha.