Friday, March 14, 2008

So I lied about posting so often, but here is a life update for you

So March has already been a very interesting month, I've started dating Amber - who most of you have met. Things have been going pretty good, and I look forward for the rest of you to meet her soon, if not I believe she will be coming to A-Kon so you'll have your chance there. Besides girls, I've gotten a promotion at work (and a raise), I now work the "Bench" which is working inside the store instead of driving everywhere. Which is a nice new title for me, less driving, but still a chance to make lots of money. It's a laid back position and I don't have to be in peoples homes, plus I can listen to music, etc. Yay! I still want to pursue certifications to supplement my college degree and beef up my computer knowledge. I've even thought about going back to college all together....but the tech certs' seem like a better choice for what I'm wanting to do in the future.

Now for the big update, lots of you have heard this story one way or another but probably haven't heard it all. So here it goes. Last Wednesday I picked Ashley up to go get some lunch and hang out (she's in town from Minnesota for spring break). We we're driving to Charlestons for lunch, we were driving down interstate drive (near all the restaurants here in Norman) going about 30-40 MPH. Out of nowhere this red Mustang takes a left right in front of me while I'm driving ( I had the right of way, she was behind a stop sign and for some reason did not see me), and with only 3 second warning I slam on the breaks and sound the horn. Crash. My car is fine mostly, but her car on the other hand is fucked. The drivers side door where I hit her looks like the Hulk punched it as hard as he could. I'm surprised she could even open the door up, or get out of it at all. So we pull over out of the road, and Ashley calls the police. A few minutes later the cops show up and begin the standard stuff, license, registration, etc, etc. After about 20 minutes of sitting around complaining that our necks are killing us, a police officer walks over to Ashley and I. He walks up to me and says "Sir I need you to put your hands behind your back, I'm going to put you in handcuffs and take you to the police department". So I'm about as shocked as I could ever have been in my life. Ashley is yelling at the cop asking what I did wrong, etc. It was terrible. I'm getting arrested in front of the stupid people who pulled out in front of me. I climb into the back of the police car, and ask the officer what I've done, and why we're going to the police station. He tells me that I have a unpaid speeding ticket that is a few months old and (apparently) my license had been suspended (but I had no idea). Of course I move every year it seems like in Norman, so my address was out of date on my license. Basically I forgot about the ticket, had gotten a new car by then, and never received the notice of suspension. So we get to the police station, and he takes off the cuffs (as I scramble out of the car without arms. We go inside and I pay my Driving under suspension fee of 279 dollars (fuck). THEN, I find out that I don't get my license back until I go to fucking AMBER Oklahoma in the middle of nowhere and pay them 360 (fuck fuck). THEN today right now, i'm going to get my license reinstated for 50 bucks. Now while this sounds bad, it gets worse. I now have a court date on the 22nd of April, where they will tell me that because I got a TICKET while UNDER SUSPENSION, I get ANOTHER TICKET (probably another 300), AND my license suspended again for 3-6 months. Yeah. The only bright side is that I'll have my car for another month, but after this I don't know. I called my uncle who is a lawyer in Tulsa, and has already made a few calls trying to get my ticket "removed", so maybe a lot of this will just go away. He's pretty confident about getting a lot of this "taken care of", because he knows a lot of people, etc. It's kinda lame how the state can just fuck you and stack ticket upon ticket and ruin your life by taking away my license, further punishing me by not allowing me to work and lead a normal life. So it's nice to know that they are corrupt enough for my uncle to just call a few people and get a lot of this removed, which makes this all easier to swallow.

I'll keep you guys posted on what's going on with all of this, and I promise to update more than once a month.