Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Unique Update

Today I have a very unique update from the normal types of updates I deliver. I'm updating from the Oklahoma Conservation Commissions main file server (occsrv7)! I received an email this morning from a woman in our Water Quality division, she seems to have deleted a file on accident and asked me to restore that file for her. So this has given me a chance to test the backup system and restore her lost file to last weeks backup. *note Erik you were right, we've never tried this before so I'm the first, so far, so good* I've had to rearrange some of our back up tapes to get the file off of the correct tape. Right now it's scanning and restoring (I think), I've been down here for about 30 min so far, and the restoration has been going for about 10 min. I started to get bored down in this server room, so I thought I'd update the ol' Blog. You should see this place, it's full of a few dozen state servers (the Oklahoma Lottery Commissions computer is right behind me's kinda cool) that are being stored in what is called the office of state finance. It's in the basement, and it's really cold down here. I actually like it though, every time I walk in here it smells like....awesome. I can't explain it, but it's probably the smell of dozens of computers running and being cooled by many fans and an amazing AC unit. I know that's pretty weird thing to say, but, well it reminds me of Quakecon. You go in there, and it's freezing, and you can hear thousands of computers on at the same time, and the air has this heavy cold feeling, and it's awesome. Ok, I think I've talked about the smell of the office of state finance long enough. Let me check on my restoration really quick like. Hmm...still says running. I'm starting to think I should go get lunch, then come back to see how its doing. The file was not that big so I'm confused why this would take longer than 10 min or so. Ok, well I'm going to go get some lunch, and maybe take a few pictures of the server room to accompany my post. Yay for iPhone.

Here are some pictures of the Server Room, and a fun one from walmart!

Friday, June 6, 2008

My new chair!

So I'm sitting here bored at work thinking about something to do, when the secretary wheels in my new chair! Look how amazing it is! We have to buy all of our office products through the state, so everything is super expensive. I was looking through the chairs, and they range from 200-500 dollars :( Pretty lame, and because of this I couldn't pick one out because of guilt. I felt so bad ordering a 300 dollar chair or whatever. My boss said "all they can say is no", when he put the request in for the chair. Woooo! Go chair! The best part about my chair, and all of the state office stuff, is that it's all made by inmates! Thank you criminals for building me this very nice chair, it's amazing.

Party tonight at our apartment, we are celebrating Ashley's return from where ever the fuck north she lived. It's Brains themed (remember the fish)! Everyone should come!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Nothing to say

Well I'm back at work from a great weekend at A-Kon. As usual the kon itself isn't anything too special, but I did enjoy hanging out with my friends and getting some great pool time. There were plenty of annoying moments regarding the A-Kon staff, and the A-Kon-goers, but without them it wouldn't have been as memorable. I'm not saying that I liked the lines, or the nazi behavior from the staff, but if we didn't have all that shit to bitch about and try to get around, we wouldn't have had the same fun. The freaking service elevator alone was the greatest discovery that we've ever made at the kon, and was a great tool to obstruct the nazi elevator tyranny! Sadly, I think in future years (if we even go) the service elevators will be requested to be kept locked since by Sunday everyone in the kon knew how to use them.

Anyways, I guess when I started this post I didn't think I had anything to say, and planned on writing about that. My question to myself was, "should I write on the blog even when I have nothing to talk about? Or should I leave it for more eventful posts that describe how awesome my life is and how I'm awesome?" I don't know, ironically though the blog turned into a lament for our A-Kon trip which is fine.

I plan on posting some pictures of the trip on here soon enough, but I think it's time to explore different picture posting alternatives than google. I suppose I could get in here and monkey with the html code to make the pictures not stack up on each other (see ffxi post), but I'm pretty lazy. Maybe I should make an account with that one popular picture hosting place, hmmm...prolly should figure out what they are called. Either way, expect images shortly. I think I should find something to do here at work!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008