Monday, February 2, 2009

Why do dogs lay under your computer desk?

Tonight I moved my computer out of the downstairs Lan and back into my room upstairs. As soon as I've got all my things set up Sofie wedges her way through my legs and into the spot where my feet go under the desk. She's always done this at every house I've ever had. Sometimes she just sleeps at my feet, or rests her head on my leg and looks up at me, and sometimes she even just sits down there and doesn't do anything. I know dogs are den animals and like to find spots that are enclosed so they feel safe. I figure this is the closest explination to why they do that, but I really have no clue. This post isnt really a complaint, I kinda like that she does that. I havent had my computer in my room in almost a year so I forgot all about it. I guess I'm a dog person so I'm gonna naturally find a lot of Sofie's "qwerks" cute. I like knowing that she likes to spend time with me I guess, even if it's at my feet.

In other news part of my tooth fell off on Thursday. It's a tooth I've had problems with before, namley a cavity 4 or 5 years ago. When it was filled the dentist had told me that I might need a root canal someday on the tooth, since the cavity was so deep. I'm not sure why my tooth fell apart (I'm afraid it's dead), because I didn't bite something hard. It doesnt hurt either, which is really good because I wasnt able to get an appointment till Monday at 8:45am (tomorrow). I guess I'll get all my answers then, although I don't think this will be my first visit. My guess is that I'll just get a diagnosis tomorrow, then have to come back in later for the real nasty stuff. I'm kinda afraid of the densit, it's the closest thing I've got to real surgery or whatever. I've never been to the hospital, broken something, stitches, etc. So a needle in the arm, or needle in the gums is the worse I've ever gotten. I know the novicane and drugs make everything happy times, but I guess it's just the anicipation before the actual work they have to do, than the work itself.

Thinking on the dentist is why I'm unable to go to sleep yet, and even though I'm not very tired I should probably try to go to sleep soon.


Miss Jay said...

how was the dentist?

PL said...

brush dem teefs, twice a day, floss too!

I learned this the hard way after having 3 teeth pulled... parts of my gums get all raw and stuff when I chew food now. Not fun!