Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Heyyyyyyy Brother!

Hey guys, I wanted to use my blog here to remind everyone of our trip tomorrow. I'm sure I don't have to remind anyone but ITS TOMORROW!

Be sure to bring a swimsuit, batteries, camera, vijagames, money for Erik, money for gas, drivers licenses, and anything else that may be awesome. I think as always we will get JUST A LITTLE bit of food for the hotel (we always buy too much), and pick up some alcohol in Dallas. I'm thinking everclear so we can make strong mix drinks with cheap koolaid, or whatever. Also some Vodka and Rum should be nice. Use this time to consider anything you might be forgetting to bring and PACK IT NOW!

Erik has informed me that he would like to leave Tulsa by 12 o' clock, but check in is whenever.

Normanites, lets try to leave by 1.... and 2 by the latest! Token and I are driving.

Friday, May 23, 2008


Once again I'm here at work, giving another update when I should be working/reading. Not much is going on this past week, it's been a very calm/uneventful week in Norman. Amber, the roomies, and I have been watching some movies the past few days. We're trying to catch up on Indiana Jones before we go to the movie tonight (we still have 2 more to go). We also saw Prince Caspian last night, which was very well done and a very fun movie to watch.

Besides just hanging around watching movies, and playing games, not much has been going on. I've spent most of my free time thinking about A-Kon (which is next Thursday please everyone ask off, Joe I'm looking at you)! I think we're going to have a great time, and we should all go out of our way to keep ourselves busy. Like I was telling Erik, the second we get bored on a Sat afternoon we need to just all get really drunk, at like 3. It will be awesome. Although Erik suggested just going to the hot tub whenever we get bored of the kon, which is a great idea also (I love hot tubs). I assume that the Tulsa people will consist of Erik, Tara, Josh, and Joe in one car. Norman will consist of Max, Bekkah(i think?), Amber, James, Token, Adam, Tanner, and myself. We should be able to do 4 / 4 in 2 different cars. Vikki will also be joining us but not until Friday night, Amber's friend (who I've forgotten her name, will also be meeting us in Dallas. Sounds like a lot of people, but at least we are getting to go for pretty cheap. I just wanted to remind everyone to pay Erik if you have not. He is always very nice to reserve everything for us, and lets do him the respect of paying him when we all get there (if not before, or you already have). On that note let have fun and make it the BEST TRIP EVVVVEEEERRRR ( lol rfgo!)

I guess the last thing that I have to report is that Token, Amber, PTJ, and I have all started playing FFXI again. We've made 100 % new characters on the Leviathan server. I've gone back to XI before, but this time it's a little more fun for me. I've been teaching Amber how to play and it's really fun to go over everything, and experience that "new" feeling all over again. She seems pretty interested, asking questions, and seems to absorb most of what I'm explaining. We spent 2 hours in town last night, showing her around (Auction House, different parts of the city, Mog House, exit's, menus, etc.) and we haven't even left Bastok yet. I hope to explain combat this weekend, and start getting groups together with the Jameses. I'm under the impression that Adam might join us, but is not wanting to commit too much time to anything since he has a summer class after A-Kon. Oh. Incase there are any once-long-haired-tulsan-friends of mine who might wander back in our fold, or anyone else for that matter, possibly a mustachioed, candy loving freak our names are....

Token - Logjammin, Red Mage - Hume (Bastok)

Nick - Funran, Monk - Taru (Bastok)

Amber - Misscatears, Warrior - Mithra (Bastok)

James - McGregor, Warrior - Hume (Bastok)

Adam - Atomsk, Paladin - Taru (Bastok)

Anyways, hope everyone has a great extended weekend (maybe thats just for us STATE employees)


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

You guys ready to laugh?

I'm sure that this WILL be a mistake, but it's only a 12 dollar mistake really. I've reactivated FFXI to play with Token, James, Amber, and Adam (who says he will play for awhile before school). We're all starting brand new characters on Leviathan, our famous server from 4 years ago. We're gonna create our Big American Party Linkshell if possible, but also join Token's friends from back in the day. It will be fun to start over and play anew with new characters and old friends. Token told me no more epic Windurst trips though, which makes me a little sad. :( Just for old time's I've selected this post off of my "Funran to the Max" Blog of the OEF forums.

"Nov 02, 2003


So, when I woke up I was lvl 8, right now I am 7. Grr.. I played for about 6 hours today, only to go backwards. Although it was worth it, because we were heading too Sand'oria to check out the shops. We (White James, Matt, Black James and I) took a boat to the east continent, and traveled south to Windurst. It's way better for us mages and I knew that I needed to go there. On the way, I went fishing while we are on the boat, and I caught a sea monster, and it came on the boat and killed me and Black James. But the ship was full of 40 people that were better than us. So a White mage revived me. Now that I'm in Windurst I have a new staff, new spells, and looking for new armor.

But we made a mistake, we left Josh, Joe, Max, Adam. This was not cool of us, and I feel really bad. We should have started in Windurst, like you guys mentioned, I didn't realize that Bastok would be so fighter dominate....So I take part fault for that one. I didn't think that mages were frowned upon in Bastok. So sorry guys. The boat is only 100 bucks, if you guys can get up there, White James I'm sure will tell you how we did it, I'm not quite sure, he was the only one with a map. IM really sorry guys. We will get you over here though.

Bad things-

Were not members of their region, and that sucks, are mog house are rentals (free) but we don't have the Furnishing option (boo hoo). We have to go to a Bastok delegate to get are signat cast on us.....and some of the towns people are assholes. It cost 20,000 dollars to become one of them........once again, we should have started in Windurst, I didn't understand the consequences, or how the rules worked with the regions. I'm sorry again :)"

9 in the A.M

Morning all,

I find myself sitting at my work desk again this morning without much to do. I love my new job, I really do, but I don’t really have anything to do today. In fact today quickly becoming a shadow of yesterday. I arrive at 8am and immediately begin checking my daily reads across the internet. That normally takes anywhere from 30-40 min before I feel like I’ve caughup with the ‘happenings’ going around online. After that I’ll go fill up my water bottle, sometimes walk out to the lobby to get a drink from the water fountain just to get the blood flowin…. Then I might read some of my computer books, but as you can imagine, regardless how much you enjoy computers, a book about the Microsoft Exchange Server will put you to sleep early in the morning. Regardless, I come back to my desk and hit the “send and receive” button on my Microsoft Outlook inbox, hoping a new e-mail has arrived with something to do. That is normally not the case, which is really too bad because I’d like to be walking around the office fixing computers, or working on stuff like that. I’m complaining about not doing anything, so obviously it’s not the most terrible thing in the world or anything, the problem is that I enjoy working on computers; it makes the time pass much faster. As the day progresses people will start to come online, Erik is usually always on gtalk which is nice, but I’m sure he is much busier than I so he may not always be able to talk. With any luck though my phone will ring, and some confused senior will need me to show them how to add a contact to their e-mail address book.

I’m sure a few months are going to go by and I’m gonna be missing days like today.

Besides work everything is going pretty good, been playing a lot of video games lately! I say that like it’s new news, but honestly I’ve gotten a chance to really play some stuff I never have before. I spent last month really playing Metal Gear Solid 1 which II really enjoyed, Solid Snake might be the best man in the world. I’ve also started playing Ico with Amber, which is really amazing. It’s nice to play these old games and know it’s one more title I can scratch off my “OMGZ YOU HAVENT PLAYED THAT?!” list. I’ve spent my free time this week playing FFXII, my favorite addition to the series in sometime. Other than that not much is going on, Me and Amber watch the first Indiana Jones last night so we can prepare for the newest installment on Friday!!

A-Kon is coming up, I thought I would remind everyone to ask off for work if you need to, and start growing out that facial hair because next Thursday I’m shaving my beard and only leaving behind the potato. I better see many fellow potatoes walking out that door Thursday afternoon right before we head to Dallas. Do it for Potato Man, what would he do.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

New Job

It just seems like I was ranting and raving about my promotion at my last job (oh wait it was my last post). Well this is the perfect segue (I love this word but it looks stupid as hell) into my newest announcement, which for many of you is not news at all. Regardless, I got a new job working for the Oklahoma Conservation Commission as their Information Systems Network Management Specialist. Nice title huh? A friend of mine gave me a heads up on the position, and even though I was under qualified I went ahead and applied. Four weeks later I'm sitting at a desk in a cubicle with my name on it, with a beast of a Dell accompanied with two 21inch monitors! The new job is great, I've got a lot to learn but mostly picking things up as they come along. I have a few books I'm reading so I can get familiar with the unfamiliar here at the new job. Basically I'm responsible for maintaining the network around our office, while being able to help the users around the office with small problems as they come up. So far any problem users here have I've been able to fix, e-mail issues, error messages, and random stupid mistakes. The network side of things is basically making sure that the network is running correctly, being able to fix something if it goes down, or doing things to make sure it wont shut down, or have problems. These things are a little more serious and since I'm learning them along the way it makes it a bit more scary. So far (knock on wood), no problems have occurred. I hope it stays this way because my boss will be gone all week, which leaves me to just sitting here writing on my blog, reading my Windows Server 2003 book, and surfing the internet while I wait for people to have computer problems.

It was too bad leaving Computer Nerdz, it was really great there. It was easy, fun, and I miss the people a lot. I was only there for a short time ( 6 months) and I wish I had started earlier. It's great to know if things don't work out here (I think they will work out just fine) that I always have a place to fall back on. I did receive employee of the month right before I left (heh), which is awesome because my name will be immortalized in the OKC north store.

Other than my new job, I don't have a lot to report. Amber graduated OU this week, and we should all golf clap for her. There is a party in her honor at my apartment this Friday (the 16th). My brothers are also graduating from High School which is crazy to think about. So golf clap for them too.

I'm running out of things to say, which is too bad because I'm pretty bored at work. Time to read some more of my computer books :(