Thursday, February 21, 2008

The cake is a lie

Sorry for promising daily updates, it seems that might not always be something I'll be providing. I'll try to not forget the blog though. Sometimes there is just nothing to write, I opened up the editor a few times and could not write more than a few sentences. So, I might not give an update daily, expect at least a few times a week, at least.

Life has been getting interesting as of late, been trying to get out more, doing things out of the house when I can, bars, etc. I've also changed my attitude concerning work, it's time to start figuring out a plan for the future. I'm happy enough at work right now, but I'm already seeing a problem with the way things are run there. It's full of awesome people, good bosses, and all of that, it's just that some of the more corporate "choices" are a little cheap. Basically all the driving is getting old, 2.00 per call isnt good enough, not when you might go from Norman to Edmond, or Yukon to Moore. It's bullshit actually. I've been looking into other lowend computer jobs that might be closer to me, and a better fit for my monetary situation. I've applied at Circuit City for their Firedog team, or whatever the hell they call it. I heard they were hireling, so I figure since they are "big time" they might treat their employees better like providing a company car for house calls, or maybe I could work inside full time doing PC repair / tech work? Either way it's more money in the pocket, which is good. The next step is finding the certifications I need to get, and/or the classes I need to take. By the end of the year I'd like to have some kind of networking / IT job for a company. That's my goal.

Other than all of the work related stuff, things have been going pretty good. I've spent some time playing Cave Story, which Joe has been recommending and I'm glad he did. I've also been playing a lot of PS3 with Joe, which has been a lot of fun. Lost Planet is surprisingly fun, and Warhawk never disappoints. There are a few psp and ds games I'd like to get my hands on, but they might have to wait till the summer. Money is tight, and Smash Bros is around the corner and I'll have to pick that up for sure.

It's way too late, I've got to go to freaking bed. :(

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

House Freeman

Vikki sent me this picture and I thought it was awesome. I don't really have anything to write about that concerns Gordon Freeman, or Gregory House. Which is too bad because they both are really awesome, just like this picture.

Today I had a day off, which was kind of nice because I worked almost twelve hours yesterday. I didn't really do much, picked Adam up from TCC (his car is in the shop what a fucking pogue), cleaned the house, and played some Final Fantasy XII. Now I'm watching Daria with Token waiting for PTJ to get some so we can watch Weeds.

Weeds, a Showtime comedy/drama is an awesome fucking show. It follows the life of a typical suburban housewife who makes a living as a pot dealer. It's really clever and well written, like most HBO shows, or Dexter (also Showtime). It's nice to know that someone besides HBO can put out some awesomely written shows that are adult oriented. HBO is kinda running dry right now, I'm not worried or anything but they just don't have any new shows running right now. There is some new stuff coming but I'm not sure if it will be this Fall, or next year. There is a Vampire drama show coming out that it supposed to be awesome, a show about woman who run a realestate company in Dallas which actually looks pretty good, and Preacher which is based off of a comic book so it's got to be good. I also read about a new HBO show called "Song of Ice & Fire" which is based on a long series of fantasy books, that's about all i know.

Wow this is a pretty random post, I think I'm going to wrap this up, PTJ should be home soon to watch some Weeds. Plus I have some food in the oven, food times.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

PTJ (James) is a Fucking Dick

<---------- (above) Big Douche Fag. He thinks it's gay I have a blog, and I like to write. Well guess what James, I hate you and I hope you die in a fire of flaming shit. Die. I told him I like having a webpage and that he is a dick, and he said "mehhh why don't you blog about it". Well guess what you fucker.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Blogging at work

I'm just sitting around at work today, been fixing a lot of computers here in the office which has been a nice change of pace from driving around. It's really quiet here, and I don't have to deal with people. After my 90 day period is up, I'll be a full time employee which is awesome because my second 200 bonus will be here in just a month. Once I'm considered a full time employee I might be able to be promoted to "bench", where I can work from the main office! It's the same type of work that I do out in the field, but it's quieter and easier to surf the net while I'm running scans :D

Other than that not a lot has been going on with me besides work, etc. At some point I'd like to get the certifications I need to do Network Administration for a bigger company, which is kinda what I'm shooting at jobwise. I'm happy where I am now though, at least for the time being it's a good first step. I don't get the big bucks that I got working as a Landman, but I also have more of a life again, which is great. Although I do miss it from time to time, really I miss the money. Money is kind of an issue for me right now, I am going to put in some extra hours at work till I catch up. Too many bills, puh, it sucks. I hate money.

Well I've got a 6:30 call coming up, and I'm going to see if I can't take it a little early so I can get home before it's too late. Hope everyone is enjoying the blog, I know no one updates their old ones, but that's mostly an issue of the oefnetwork being gayed up. I'm liking this bloger though, it's easy to use and it lets me host pictures. Much easier.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday Night

I'm trying to force myself to write daily, and since I missed yesterday it's important that I at least post once this weekend. Overall it was a pretty good weekend, Joe and Erik came down and we played a lot of video games from the days of yore, like E.V.O. - The Search for Eden. Which so happens to be a great SNES game that I'm ashamed of never playing as a kid. Although I missed it when I was young, I still got that feeling of playing a game for the first time on the SNES like I did after coming home from Blockbuster in the mid nineties. You basically start out as some sort of "low on the food chain" fish that isn't very threatening, eating the easy monsters you find which give you "Evo P's" (Evolution Points / XP). Once you've accumulated enough Evo P's you can spend it on upgrades on yourself. So your little fish can eventually get stronger jaws, speed efficient tail, various horns, bigger/smaller body, better body armor, etc. Basically every time you play you create a new "monster" as you travel through the levels (of Evolution), Fish, Amphibian, Dinosaur, Primate/Animal, Human Being. Each level follows the same basic formula of evolving the weak features of your "new body", until you are strong enough to beat the boss (which happens to be the top-dog of the current era's food chain). If you were not here this weekend, I encourage you to go download the emulator, or even pick it up from a pawn shop if you happen to come across it. It's an excellent game, I just hope someone else thinks so and remakes it on XBLA/PSN.

It's been a pretty lax Sunday, not a whole lot going on tonight. I tried playing Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater tonight, but failed miserably. Which is really frustrating, because I really want to play it, I'm just really bad at it. Part of the problem is the game itself, it has frustrating controls, and a frustrating camera (which was changed in the re-release Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence). Although most of the problem was me, if you can't keep your cool during a bad situation (like me) you'll probably just get killed. Also I've never really played the other Metal Gears much, and I'm not terribly familiar with the tactics that are necessary to survive in the game longer than a few minutes... I think I'll try it again because I'm really interested in the game, the espionage stuff, sneaking around, etc very cool stuff (I'm just bad at the game). Oh well practice makes perfect, I've just never been so bad at a game before. It was pretty pathetic.

Anyways, Adam is looking over my shoulder so I've got to get back to my Full Metal Alchemist, an awesome show that needs my attention. Shit, Adam just took over the TV "because I'm blogging not watching", so I guess I'll watch him play Castlevania: Lament of Innocence. What a DICK.

Friday, February 8, 2008


So for the past month I've done a lot of "fiddling" with Linux on my laptop, PC, and PS3. I've always been a nerdy guy when it comes to computers, it's always been a hobby of mine, but I never thought I'd become one of "those" guys. The kind of guy who uses Linux instead of Windows. While I don't think that is who I have become, I have certainly gone down that path further than I ever have before. I've gotten Ubuntu up and running on my laptop and PC right now, both working perfectly. I installed it on my laptop about 2 months ago, and it was very simple and didn't require any extra effort on my part, and was much faster than a Windows install. I use it off and on, but it's really more like an extension of Windows for me. Then, two nights ago I went ahead and installed Ubuntu on my desktop, which was sad to say not as easy of a task as my laptop. ( I know this is really exciting stuff, but welcome to my blog) I must have spent 5 hours just fucking with settings, googling, bugging James/Erik for help, till everything was running as it should (as my laptop did from the beginning). After hours and hours of tweaking, I even got Steam and WoW installed, and running. WoW runs perfect, if not better than it does in my Vista setup, which was really surprising. Steam on the other hand works, but some further googling will have to occur before I can make it playable, it's just too slow.

Anyways, my point in all of this is this - why the hell do I put myself through all of the trouble to get Linux working (as well as Windows) does? I understand that Linux is free, and is not bound down by "the man", and is open source, etc, etc. I get that. But Vista/XP work, they work well, damn well. They do everything I need, and lets be honest, they do it better than Linux. I'm not bashing on Linux, but, if I want to upload a new album to my iPod I'm probably going to have to Google and spend 3 hours trying to emulate iTunes to get it working on my Ubuntu set up. The same with lots of programs. I'm sure that there is a work around for most of these issues, or alternative programs that work just as well if not better.....but it's such a hassle. Yet I enjoy it, I find it entertaining, fun, informative, etc.

But why do I put myself through all of this trouble when I already have an OS that works right now, fully? It's not like I had to pay the big bucks for Vista, or XP, I pirated them obviously. I have no real reason to use Linux, which causes me many hours of troubleshooting, etc, yet I still do it. I'm a Ubuntu cutter, and it feels sooo good! (this is my masochist tie in here lolz)


Welcome to Puh

After being bored for about ten minutes I decided that it was time to bring back blogging (for my self at least). I have always enjoyed writing posts on the oefblogs we had, but when they went down and the forum was a massive failure, I had nowhere to go....

So welcome to Puh.

Puh.blogspot was taken, that mother fucker. So was a few other choice key phrases, like "lolz/didibuh". Damn shame. So here we are with "puhhhh". Although spelling puh, with 4 h's probably resembles the way puh is used more accurately. Sure, every now and then you mumble "puh" underneath your breath, but normally it's in an exclamation of dismay.

Anyways. I do plan on updating this blog often, daily if i can, and keeping that trend as long as possible. So if you decide to check back again, I hope to have a new post sometime tomorrow (Friday). Speaking of Friday, Joe and Erik are coming down and that makes me a happy Nick.

Well it's time for bed, I have work in the morning and shouldn't be up anyways. I would have been asleep a lot earlier if I could have decided on a blog name, puh.